Read what moderators have to say about QandR

Why they choose QandR?


The strength of QandR is twofold: firstly, the editor is easy to master, so you can start working almost immediately. On the other hand, the tool breaks down barriers between people, stimulates lively discussions and helps to create an ideal atmosphere for group interaction in any context or setting imaginable.

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Sofie Taes
Curator-Storyteller-Workshopper | KU Leuven

QandR helps us to set up a structured and efficient conversation with a large group of professionals from various organizations. The Sticky Notes in particular are very well received. The yellow ones are immediately digital, with the advantage that we can immediately share the insights with others after the canvas session.

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Jeroen Mansveld
Eigenaar | de Omgevingsmanager

"We faced a challenging and diverse group but the interaction created by QandR almost completely broke the ice and there was still a good atmosphere in the end to get the input we needed."

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Flore Vesseur
Adviseur buitengebieden | Over Morgen

The automatic reporting is really a godsend. With one press of a button, I have finished my homework! It saves a huge amount of time and lets me get to work faster on the actions we discussed.

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Wineke Straatsma
Project- en omgevingsmanager en trainer | HHNK

The main attraction of QandR for us was that we did not have to choose between online or physical. Wherever this crisis may lead, because QandR uses the smartphone as starting point of the interaction, the tool is equally effective in either scenario.

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Joke Dijkstra
Strategisch adviseur | Purmerend Gasvrij

We are very happy with QandR. It makes #participation, both online and offline, more attractive for many people!

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Marinka van Vliet
Deputy director | Bureau Buhrs

QandR enables us to retrieve individual insights in the moment, without or without mutual influence. The tool is intuitive, playful and visual, connecting the target group and end client in a new way.

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Lotteke van Nimwegen
Directeur kwalitatief | MarketResponse

Delighted to be using QandR for uncovering insights in our focus groups, and getting a system 1 response to ideas, concepts and propositions, before the deep dive behind those choices.

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Richard Colwell
CEO RED C | Market Research and Insight

I used QandR in a sequence of three group lectures containing 16 up to 33 students. With this group size it is normally difficult to keep everybody’s attention but QandR helped me to involve everybody in a playful manner.

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Timber Haaker
Professor Business Models | Saxion University of Applied Sciences

The pointing technique offered by QandR is a method to measure what the gut has to say – as opposed to typing words which is more rational. QandR stands out by facilitating a more intuitive approach to giving responses.

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Sander Kluijters
Senior Research Consultant | Motivaction

QandR activates and inspires participants and creates extra space for interaction in the (digital) dialogue. This space is for instance the movement of their dot and during the conversation you can see that they influence each other, change their minds and come up with new ideas.

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Lars Schotel
Participation advisor | Municipality of Utrecht

QandR enables us to make the group discussion more dynamic. It allows the moderator to accommodate a wider range of opinions, by first asking for a response and then for an explanation. People are more evenly given a chance to speak. QandR also renders the discussion more playful, making it more fun for everyone.

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Peter Kanne
Senior advisor | I&O Research

It is fun to work like this and helps us to easily get some focus points for starting the discussion We can also easily transfer the outcomes (visuals) into our reports and respondents like to participate in focus groups where we use this method, as well as our clients.

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Margré Nijkamp
Manager Innovation Lab | Motivaction

It is all about learning by doing. If you start using it you will see it is a very fun and easy tool to use. That is very important, especially for qualitative researchers, who are in general not such a fan of all these new technologies and data, it is about learning by doing.

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Roos Thijssen
Kwalitatief onderzoeker | Motivaction

We wanted to collect input and areas of concern from the neighbourhood. QandR turned out to be quite effective for that purpose.

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Janou van Rheenen
adviseur | De Selectie

It is interesting to note that QandR can be used in both small (n = 10) and very large groups (> 100). However, application and effect differ. In small groups, the tool is mainly used to collect information, while in large groups it helps to convey information.

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Simone Mutsaers
Innovation Researcher | NPO (Dutch Public Broadcasting)

Obviously, collecting the data digitally makes analysis much easier. QandR has certainly helped us in every possible positive way. We look forward to our further sessions and improving our knowledge with QandR each time.

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Sugandha Gupta
Designer placemaking & Public space | BFAS+

QandR is a well-functioning solution to find out the opinions and wishes of participants in a creative way.

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Ingo Voncken
Senior Learning and Development Manager | T-Mobile

Whether you’re engaging casually with a small group of elderly people, or instigating a more formal discussion with an aula full of tech savvy students: everyone loves to play with the moving dots, fiddle with the pie charts or upvote words in a wordcloud. QandR outsmarts other interactive discussion tools on the market, and perfectly integrates presentation slides for a sleek finishing touch.

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Sofie Taes
curator-storyteller-workshopper | KU Leuven

QandR really excels in its user-friendliness. I work with seniors (60+), participants vary, and include people that are not that good with computers, but it always goes very well.

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Vanessa Mommers
Strategisch adviseur | Ruimtevormen

QandR very user-friendly for the participants. Your phone navigates automatically so you always have the right interface in front of you. You can give a reaction with a simple finger movement or a single word. This works very intuitively, even older and less digitally skilled people can effortlessly participate in a session.

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Annemarie Reintjes
Adviseur | De Beuk

Because you see participants make their choices realtime, you get insights into their doubts and hesitation, that as an interviewer you can elaborate on. It is very easy to use QandR and it makes online research much more interactive than just speaking with a talking head.

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Jeroen Spetter
Research Consultant | Ruigrok NetPanel

Using QandR in the lectures has enabled me to more easily engage the students with the material they are learning about, ensuring all participants can be involved in a Joint activity and initiating interesting discussions in the Group. Something which previously proved very difficult in a lecture size of 50-60 students.

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Dr Lyndon Nixon
Assistant Professor | MODUL University Vienna

With the Sticky Notes work format, QandR has found a very accessible way to also make it possible to 'paste the yellow post-its' in an online session. Very simple, participants do not have to use a complicated desktop interface with many buttons, but they can simply send in the stickers using their own phone, very intuitive. The result is an enjoyable interactive session for everyone.

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Maaike Caarels
Senior Research Consultant | Wonder By MarketResponse

QandR has really helped us make clear what residents and other stakeholders think. Putting dots on maps, working with quadrants and adding photos worked very well for us but also for the participants of the meetings. We were able to retrieve a lot of measurable and concrete information in an accessible way.

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Ruben de Ruiter
Communicatie- en participatieadviseur | SIR

QandR is an important way for us to interact, also with larger groups. We use it for internal meetings and external events. It triggers discussion in the room and you can export a summary so you can reflect on the answers later. Very effective.

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Olaf Waals

QandR is the more versatile brother of Mentimeter

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Kim Hendriks
Facilitator | Sessiemakers

QandR is a very user-friendly tool in which the participants can give their opinion in an interactive way. This leads to very useful data.

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Judith Diepbrink

The intuitiveness and the visual quality of QandR stood out. It does ask questions, but above all it gives space to the conversation about the survey answers. Also because of the possibility of giving pictures as answers. QandR also seemed to be something that everyone understands (and that turned out to be the case).

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Lars Schotel
Participation advisor | Municipality of Utrecht

Team Schieoevers attended our first session to test the capabilities and the conversations were great! As an organisation, we are still experimenting with the tool and during the sessions we generated a lot of curiosity and connection. We see huge potential in QandR. That's nice!

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Edwin van Bochoven
Omgevingsmanager | Gemeente Delft

Looking for a connecting lubricant for cocreation sessions? I've found it!!!

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Yvonne van Mierlo
Directeur | Blauwhoed Studio

QandR made it easier for all participants to actively participate and share ideas. Especially for those who are normally less likely to take or get that space. The tool encouraged everyone to think about their own ideas, questions and answers.

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Martina Huijsmans
Wethouder Financiën, Ruimtelijke Ordening en Mobiliteit | Gemeente Delft

Using QandR produces engaging interactions with our audience, who, question after question, better understand the challenges our environmental managers face every day.

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Annik Dirkx
| Adjunct directeur Omgeving & woordvoerder Lantis