Recover the nuance and give voice to the silent majority

Stakeholder Management

Participation often comes with opposing opinions, for and against, loud mouths with their strong convictions overruling the others. The majority of the group is usually far less black and white inclined, but has trouble getting heard. Can you relate?

QandR gives voice to this stilten majority and gives the dialogue more colour and nuance. This results in more understanding for one another and constructive contributions to the ofte complex topics..

Testimonials and work forms

Multiple municipalities and consultancy agencies use QandR in their stakeholder management.
Browse through examples of actual use cases, that give an impression of how QandR's various work formats are used to engage in conversation with citizens and other stakeholders.


The intuitiveness and the visual quality of QandR stood out. It does ask questions, but above all it gives space to the conversation about the survey answers. Also because of the possibility of giving pictures as answers. QandR also seemed to be something that everyone understands (and that turned out to be the case).

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Lars Schotel
Participation advisor | Municipality of Utrecht

"We faced a challenging and diverse group but the interaction created by QandR almost completely broke the ice and there was still a good atmosphere in the end to get the input we needed."

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Flore Vesseur
Adviseur buitengebieden | Over Morgen

QandR very user-friendly for the participants. Your phone navigates automatically so you always have the right interface in front of you. You can give a reaction with a simple finger movement or a single word. This works very intuitively, even older and less digitally skilled people can effortlessly participate in a session.

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Annemarie Reintjes
Adviseur | De Beuk


For a visual brainstorm in which subjective topics such as atmosphere, style and mood are important.

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Ask your participants to point something, for example on a packaging design, a map or a process diagram.

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Stimulate the discussion by asking participants to take a position, also visualize doubt and hesitation.

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Create an associative brainstorm with the option to upvote each other's ideas.

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Grade an idea or design, discuss the reasoning of all participants.

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Ask participants to take a position on a quadrant with multiple dimensions, discuss the different points of view.

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Use multiple choice questions as a warm-up or a way to get to know your group better.

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Sticky Notes

Ask participants to send in post-it notes and position these on a ready canvas or on a picture that you upload yourself.

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Some of our partners

By using QandR they improve consultation with residents and other stakeholders. The meeting becomes more fun and even the more introverted people have their say. The jointly created visualizations provide a good basis for a quick directional follow-up.