For a visual brainstorm which discusses more subjective topics


The Moodboard is a fairly advanced module and ideally suited to more visual brainstorms in which subjective topics such as taste, atmosphere and style are discussed. The module itself contains three methods for submitting images. Your participants can search for a keyword on the internet to select an image, use the camera or camera roll of their own phone, or make a textual card. They then submit the images to the central moodboard, resulting in a collective visual collage. Group moderator can enlarge individual images as a starting point for further discussion.

Watch a video below where we demonstrate how the moodboard works.


Clear overview of individual contributions. They can be discussed per participant.

Global overview of submitted images. Individual images can be discussed by clicking and enlarging them.

Global, less workable overview of images. Individual images can however be discussed by clicking and enlarging them.


  • Flexible and multi-purposed.
  • Easy to set up.
  • A good reflection of group sentiments.
  • Ideal for visual brainstorm sessions and as starting point for discussion.
  • Intense and playful interaction that promotes engagement.
  • Multiple ways to source images.
  • Images may be prepared in advance by participants.
  • Responses can be given uninfluenced
  • Cons

  • Becomes unworkable in (very) large groups.
  • Relatively complex interaction.
  • Click here for a summary of all talking boards and here to compare them.