Use phones to collect sticky notes and position these on a canvas or your own background

Sticky Notes

Collectively pasting sticky notes is a very valuable group process. However, most digital whiteboards are far too complex to get started with straight away. Especially if you do not know in advance to what extent your participants are digitally literate, this poses a real risk. Before you know it, you are trying to solve technical issues, instead of doing the mapping together. Our new Stick Notes work format offers a solution to this problem, by making smart use of participants' phones.

With the Stick Notes work format, QandR has found a very accessible way to also make it possible to 'paste the yellow post-its' in an online session. Very simple, participants do not have to use a complicated desktop interface with many buttons, but they can simply send in the stickers using their own phone, very intuitive. The result is an enjoyable interactive session for everyone.

Maaike Caarels, Senior Research Consultant | Wonder by Marketresponse

To discuss a specific idea, the facilitator can make that post-it note larger on the main screen. At that point, each participant can use a slider to indicate how he or she values it. In addition to an average rating, the highest and lowest ratings are also visualised, which offers the facilitator a hook to start the discussion. Subsequently or prior to this discussion, the post-it note can be positioned, again very simply, via the mobile phone.

The Stick Notes are a new work format within QandR and the editor offers various canvases for different types of sessions, such as a SWOT analysis or the Business Model Canvas. It is also possible to insert your own background.

Sticky Notes manual

For the use of Sticky Notes the pdf manual below can be followed.



Ideal group size as there is room for each participant to explain their idea and discuss it as a group.

Still possible because of the simple structure of the module, but not everyone will be able to speak. The number of ideas will quickly become too much to handle all, in which case the selection mechanism on the remote control will come in handy.

Group is too large to discuss all ideas, our advice is to split the group into two sessions to keep the dialogue going.


  • Very easy to operate by the participants.
  • Group discussion again (not everyone on their own).
  • Easy to discuss because the highest and lowest vote get visible.
  • Positioning can be done by both participant and facilitator.
  • Cons

  • Not suitable for very large groups.
  • Click here for a summary of all talking boards and here to compare them.