From Consultation to Action: Smart Reporting in Water Management
In the Netherlands, we may not think about it every day, but our unique water system is really something to be proud of. The complex network of dykes, rivers and polders is a paragon of smart water management. Every day, countless professionals work to maintain and improve this crucial infrastructure. A great example of this is our partner Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier (HHNK), an organisation that pre-eminently shows how cooperation and innovation go hand in hand.
Major water projects almost always involve several parties, such as water boards, municipalities and provinces. These projects often cover large areas, last for years and are carried out by partnerships of different organisations. To gain quick and visual insight into the various interests during such consultations, HHNK uses QandR
For example, Word Clouds is used to reflect on pros and cons of a particular approach, the Pointer is used to discuss what the area of greatest urgency is, and both the Poll and Sticky Notes are used to specify and prioritize future actions approaches.
Besides external consultations, the tool is also used internally, for example to evaluate onboarding processes. New employees easily share what goes well and what could be improved. Moreover, the tool helps to give insight into how they experience their role and where they want to develop within the team.
Wineke is especially enthusiastic about how easy QandR makes it to quickly share a visual report after a meeting:
"The automatic reporting is really a godsend. With one press of a button, I have finished my homework! It saves a huge amount of time and lets me get to work faster on the actions we discussed. ‘
Wineke Straatsma, Project and environment manager and trainer HHNK
This time saving in the reporting process allows the focus to shift directly to implementation. And that is ultimately the most important goal of any consultation in this sector: making sure the Netherlands stays dry and safe. A great example of how innovation can make a sector with a rich history even more efficient and powerful!
Would you like to experience how QandR works for once? Then book a free demo here. We will demonstrate a live session and show you how to set up your own session via the QandR dashboard. If you just want to get started right away, request a facilitator account.