sessions in context of the energy transition

Energy Transition

The energy transition is truly a subject that we must tackle together. Support is crucial if we really want to make progress. And at a time when physical meetings are difficult, creating support is quite a challenge. This is an issue for many municipalities and we are therefore not surprised that this is the topic for which QandR has been used frequently in the past year. On this page we show a number of example projects in the context of the energy transition.



In the New Energy City Conversation, the municipality of Utrecht searched for rules of the game around the implementation of solar panels, wind turbines and insulation of houses in an impressive series of conversations. They did this with various target groups, such as young people, Utrechters aged 18 and over, entrepreneurs and energy initiatives. Watch this user-story.

Our partner Balance facilitated a series of 7 conversations for the housing association Trivire about the sustainability of their homes. The central question was what role the landlord and tenants should play in increasing sustainability. View this user-story.

What was particularly appealing to us was that with QandR we didn't have to choose between online and offline. Wherever we go in this Corona crisis, because QandR takes the smartphone as the starting point of the interaction, the tool can be used effectively in both situations.

Joke Dijkstra, Strategisch Adviseur | Purmerend Gasvrij

Purmerend Gas Free, a partnership between the municipality and energy suppliers, enters into regular dialogue with residents. In these sessions, QandR is used to use the input of citizens to clarify the various choices and questions about planning. View this user-story.

In cooperation with the municipality of Leiden, our partner De Beuk organized a neighborhood meeting to communicate about the Leiden energy transition. Residents could voice their questions and concerns, but also their ideas. View this user-story.

Get started with templates

The topic of the energy transition has featured in quite a few QandR sessions to date. In collaboration with our partners, we have collected these experiences and processed them into so-called templates. These are ready-made discussion structures available to new QandR users. You can directly use them in your sessions, when discussing for example windmills or installing solar panels. Click here to view them all. Once you select a template it is copied into your QandR dashboard. You can then use the session editor to further adjust this copy to the context of your situation.

QandR is GDPR compliant.

An important requirement for tools used during public meetings is that they comply with the GDRP and thus also guarantee the privacy of the participants. For QandR, participants always remain anonymous; they do not need to register and can join the session without further identification. Each participant does get his or her own colour, which helps in the interaction between the participants during the session. Read more about this on the privacy page.

Sessions in the context of energy-transition

Energy-Transition in practice

Both municipalities and consultancies use QandR for the energy-transition. In this way, they improve consultation with residents and other stakeholders. The meeting becomes more fun and even the more introverted people have their say. The jointly created visualisations form a good basis for a quick directional follow-up.

IO Research