Lively Group Discussions At Your Fingertips

Involve stakeholders

Lantis is the builder of the Oosterweel link, a complex mobility and liveability project in Flanders. Collaboration is central to the realisation of this ambitious project. Lantis organises regular talks to involve stakeholders, such as citizens, authorities and partners, in their projects. These meetings are crucial for gathering insights, fostering dialogue and creating support.

During these talks, getting everyone to actively participate is a challenge. Often, discussions are dominated by a few outspoken opinions, while the silent middle - the participants with nuanced or less pronounced views - remain less visible. This can lead to one-sided conversations and missed opportunities to gather valuable insights.

Getting different interests to the surface quickly within a partnership

Mainly physical meetings with pointers, wordclouds, sticky notes, mood boards and polls.

10-50 participants

QandR allows Lantis to make group discussions more inclusive, insightful and purposeful. This interactive tool ensures that every participant - from outspoken to introvert - is given a voice.

Using QandR produces engaging interactions with our audience, who, question after question, better understand the challenges our environmental managers face every day.

Annik Dirkx - Deputy Director Environment & Spokesperson - Lantis

Benefits for Lantis:
  • Inclusive engagement: Thanks to QandR, all participants are encouraged to share their point of view. The silent middle becomes visible, making conversations richer and more multifaceted.
  • Visual clarity: Positions and opinions are clearly visualised, making it easier for facilitators to structure and deepen the discussion.
  • Efficient decision-making: The interactive working forms, such as the pointer and the dilemma, help prioritise ideas and identify shared interests.
  • Constructive dialogue: By avoiding black-and-white discussions and making nuances visible, solution-oriented conversations arise that contribute to supported decisions.

With QandR, Lantis makes group discussions not only more efficient, but also more inspiring and effective. Give everyone a voice and together strengthen the projects that move Flanders forward!

Give QandR a try?

Would you like to experience how QandR works for once? Then book a free demo here. We will demonstrate a live session and show you how to set up your own session via the QandR dashboard. If you just want to get started right away, request a facilitator account.