Collecting ideas using QandR during a walk
The best ideas come from users and the municipality of Delft proves this once again by asking whether "QandR can also be used during a city walk?". At the Wateringsvest-Nieuwe Plantage intersection to be redesigned, she plans to walk around the area with stakeholders, discussing various spots. And they did, in a neighbourhood walk with QandR. The group of participants dwelled on topics such as the routing of traffic at the intersection and points of interest that belong to the design of the adjacent parks and the type of trees and plants placed there.
Of course, you miss the main screen during such a walk but that was remedied with the help of iPads. And what the municipality found especially important is that everyone could really contribute. Ideas and suggestions should be collected even if the group was too large to allow everyone to speak. The work format sticky notes proved ideally suited for the job. Together with pointer and grading, it was the most frequently used work format during the walk.
The walk took place on Wednesday 15 May, and, as you can expect in Dutch late spring, the evening turned out to be a wet one. Nevertheless, the QandR was intensively used and a total of 29 participants in 3 different groups shared their suggestions during the walk. Check the QandR report where the ideas of the three group have been merged.
Partly due to the large number of ideas and suggestions that were collected, these innovative applications during a city walk were a great success both for the municipality of Delft and for us at QandR.
It was special to see what emerged during the walk by using this tool. It made it easier for all participants to actively participate and share ideas. Especially for those who are normally less likely to take or get that space. The tool encouraged everyone to think about their own ideas, questions and answers. Which led to equal and collaborative conversations. This gives us a quick insight into what is going on among people and where we see challenges and opportunities together with the city.
Martina Huijsmans, wethouder Financiën, Ruimtelijke ordening en Mobiliteit in Delft
QandR is not a static, finished product - in dialogue with our users in the field, we continuously evaluate what works and what could be improved. We like to have personal contact with all our customers (which sets us apart from comparable tools). We also like to hear your ideas!