Webcast in studio setting

EA Evenementen

An excellent webinar example is our recent QandR subscriber EA Evenementen. They organise and support events in the widest sense of the word. During the current lockdown this means offering interactive webinars in a professional studio setting. This is most of the time in webinar format, with a panel discussing the various topics, as well as the opportunity for viewers to participate via QandR’s interactive questions.

Effectively run large online sessions with a host and speaker panel

Webcast in a studio setting with host and panel, remote participants and QandR visualizations on screens

Number of participants:
Multiple sessions with 50+ participants

In this model as well, participants use QandR to submit their input, and results are displayed centrally. This can be accomplished via a shared screen in Teams or Zoom, but professional webinars often use a real studio setting, for example with a speaker in front of a green screen or a panel with speakers seated around a table discussing the QandR results that are shown on a screen behind them.
