Green ambitions
General introduction to sustainability. You discuss different perspectives and test your participants' knowledge through Polls. Then use Gradings and Dilemmas to discuss the ambitions you want to pursue.
General introduction to sustainability. You discuss different perspectives and test your participants' knowledge through Polls. Then use Gradings and Dilemmas to discuss the ambitions you want to pursue.
Start usingAfter facts and figures about solar panels and via Dilemmas, you present participants with a number of statements about how roofs can be used. Then, using Quadrants and Wordclouds, you discuss which types of roofs are most suitable.
Start usingYou ask participants via Polls and Wordclouds which steps they have taken themselves to use less electricity. You also query them about the status of their homes in general and whose responsibility this is.
Start usingThis QANDR contains a discussion format to determine together what the rules are for placing windmills 'in your backyard'. Via Polls, locations are discussed and in Dilemmas and Wordclouds opinions are sought about the relationship with nature and the environment.
Start usingAfter a status update, you discuss the pros and cons of different types of insulation via wordclouds. You then ask participants which parties they think should take responsibility for the insulation.
Start usingFirst, you discuss the various types of collective heat that are available. Next, you use Polls and Dilemmas to identify the group's opinions on how the transition to collective warmth may be shaped.
Start usingDeveloped for children aged 10 to 14. Discuss sustainability using a Wordcloud, find examples of sustainability in cities using a Moodboard. The prototyping with cardboard follows after the QandR session.
Start usingThis template discusses how mobility can be made more sustainable. You ask participants which forms of mobility they use now and which 'green' possibilities they see for themselves in the future.
Start using