Normally we ask focus group participants to turn off their phones, but not now


MARE is an Amsterdam-based agency that specializes in future-proof qualitative market research. For clients such as: ABN AMRO, KPN, McDonald's etc.. they carry out a variety of projects ranging from strategic to a more tactical level. In alle their projects they want to understand what moves and motivates the target group and how brands can be meaningful in this.

Within their focus groups, MARE works with QANDR, which they themselves call PinPoint. With PinPoint, they add a visual game element to the group discussion, allowing even the most abstract topics to be discussed in a quick, clear and nuanced way.

Unravel what moves the target group, get participants to talk about more subjective motives.

Remote and focus group discussions on location

Number of participants:
Mostly focus groups between 4 and 8 people in a group, sometimes QANDR is also used in workshops with bigger groups

An advantage of PinPoint is that the intuitive touchscreen of the tool also displays doubt and hesitation, which is a great opening for discussion. Furthermore the moodboard creates a more visual touch-base between the participants, allowing them to express also more subjective feelings on a style or atmosphere.

MARE uses QANDR's Whitelabel service, which means that their complete corporate identity is integrated into the Visuals. This way of whitelabeling ensures that the visuals from the session can be used directly in reports.

A system 1 response, befor the deep dive

QANDR is used by many research firms. Their focus groups start with visualizations of system 1 responses (emotions, direct stimuli). And those visualizations immediately help the facilitators get some focal points to start a deep discussion. Moreover, they can easily convey the results (visuals) in their reports, and both respondents and their clients give higher ratings to focus groups where QANDR is used. Read more about this on our page about market research.